Skylark Broiler Feed is the best broiler feed company in India. It is an ideal mix of high nutrition feed additives for broiler chickens, ensuring healthy growth and maximum meat production. The feed is made with the highest quality ingredients in India, providing the perfect balance of nutrients to feed broilers. Skylark‘s specially designed mix of feed ingredients, such as broiler finisher pellets and pre–starter feed, offers the best nutrition to enhance growth and meat production in broilers. It is also one of the best finisher feed for broilers to ensure a healthy tussle–free growth as they attain the desired body weight. Skylark‘s feed offers high–quality nutrition for broiler chicken feeding, giving your birds the best starting point in their life cycle.
" Promise Of 2 Kg Body weight For 2.9 Kg Feed "
- Faster Growth
- High Profit
- Better Uniformity
- Appropriate amount of protein to support fast growth
- Perfect blend of nutrients broilers need every day
- A proper calcium-to-phosphorus ratio of 2:1 to help keep birds healthy and mobile
- Antioxidants and probiotics for Better immunity and gut health

Broiler Feeds

Broiler Pre-Starter (Crumbs)

Broiler Starter (Crumbs)

Broiler Finisher (Pellets)